Want your website reviewed?

Update: The deadline to register is 3 August 2009.

In case you missed it, a couple weeks ago I had a guest post over at literary agent Nathan Bransford’s blog. The post was about the top seven things every aspiring author’s website must have from my perspective as an Internet marketer (my day job). If you haven’t checked out the post yet, there’s a great conversation in the comments.

From the comments, I met Kathleen MacIver of KatieDid Design. We’re teaming up to offer critiques/reviews of (aspiring) author websites—everything from functionality to search-engine friendliness to design.

Do you want free, professional advice about your website? Sign up in the comments, and be sure to put your address in the URL box. But sign up fast—slots will go quickly. (Reviews will be posted next month, once Kathleen and I are back from some time off.)

Photo credit: StillSearc

17 thoughts on “Want your website reviewed?”

  1. I just wanted to add that I read the post on the Nathan Bransford blog and found it (and the comments) extremely useful and interesting. It helped me make some changes in my own web site, which I think are very effective. So thanks again.

  2. Yes! Yes! yes! Please, please, please.

    I would really appreciate your advice. I need it. I think my blog maybe a little scatty. I also read your posts on Nathan Bransford’s blog. That was great.

    You rock Jordan!

  3. I forgot to tick the notify me of followup comment box, so I just ticked it. I just woke and I’m half asleep, sorry, I didn’t want to miss out on this great offer and I got a little excited.

  4. Wow, what a cool offer to make. I’d love feedback on my blog. It’s very new. I started about two months ago and think I’ve learned a lot really fast, but any tips on how to make it better–what works, what doesn’t– would be super. I’m not ready to make my website yet. I thought I’d dip my toe in with the blog.
    I am a former newspaper features writer and aspiring fiction writer. I’m mostly writing YA and fantasy at the moment.
    Thanks so much for putting this out there for people.

  5. Me too! Are there any slots left? I’m also an aspiring author and some expert advice on my blog would be sweet. Thanks in advance!

  6. Dear Jordan,

    I’d like to see your feedback on our site. The site itself is a joint site for myself and one other author. We actually do have a serial read on the site. We thought we were so clever. lol.


  7. I don’t know if you are still answering questions here, but I am trying to decide whether it is worth the expense of a web site, or is a blog good enough. I am an aspiring author and have not had anything published, as yet, although there are a number of my short stories and flash fiction pieces on the web.

  8. Hey Karen—I’ll take a look at that in a future post!

    Everyone else—you’re on the list!

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