Looking for my first page blogfest entry? My bad—looks like this link came up automatically instead. Check out my first page (from a different WIP).
So I’m feeling a lot of (totally imagined) peer pressure today to participate in the International Kissing Day BlogFest.
Okay, so really, I’ve read a bunch of kissing scenes on my favorite blogs—and then when I saw Andrew (Iapetus999) was taking part, I figured I pretty much had to, too .
And I just happen to have an orphan almost-kissing scene sitting around. It’s from an idea I’ve had bouncing around for a while and I finally figured out it should be a YA paranormal a few months ago. I’ve slowly been working on plotting it, but other than this half of a scene and some attempts at the opening paragraphs, there’s not much to the story.
A little background: this scene features Lacey, a high school sophomore who recently became telepathic. She’s had a crush on James for pretty much ever. (He does know she’s telepathic.)
He leaned in and closed his eyes.
Was this really happening? No. It couldn’t be. I mean, I was . . . me. Boys didn’t kiss me.
But he was still getting closer.
I took a deep breath and braced myself, squinching my eyes shut, tilting my chin up—not that I really knew what I was doing, but it was the only thing that made sense.
The seconds seemed to stretch forever, until I could finally hear what he was thinking.
—Geez, Lace, what do you think I’m gonna do? Punch you?
My eyes snapped open and I pulled back. He grinned at me. “James—how can you . . . ?”
“Lacey,” the blame in his tone matching mine. “All you have to do is act like you’re gonna enjoy it.”
I folded my arms across my chest. “Well, maybe I wasn’t gonna enjoy it.”
James’s eyebrows pushed together, pulling his whole face into a frown. Though I wasn’t really close enough to hear his thoughts now, I didn’t have to.
I couldn’t have hurt him more if I’d punched him.
Are you participating? (Don’t forget to sign the Mr. Linky!)
Photo credits: wrapped Hershey’s—nino63004; Hershey’s on parade—Duncan C
That little orphan needs a home. Love it!
Great! I loved the ending, too. It made my heart ache for them both.
The telepathic idea adds so much to this because we always think it would be great to know other people’s thoughts, but that’s probably pretty far from the truth. Just like it ruined her kiss here.
Thanks, Tricia! I was happy to see you participating, too!
And thank you, too, Heidi. I think your observation especially holds true when those “other people” are teenage boys, LOL!
I used my telepathy to get you to post this :p
Sounds like a good scene, nice and awkward.
Fun scene! I like your voice!
I enjoyed reading your scene. I like your writing style. Thanks for sharing.
Nice. I see a past and a future for Lacey. Thanks for sharing.
aw, poor James… I love the awkwardness and the uncertainty in the motions before a kiss
i really like the added dimension of the telepathy. fun scene….short, to the point. thanks for sharing!
Where Romance Meets Therapy
I’m not sure I’d have wanted to know what was being thought during my first kiss. Sure adds an interesting element, though. I’ve loved reading everyone’s Blogfest contributions today. Thanks for adding yours to the mix.
I love the telepathy in this, it adds a whole new level of fun! Thanks for sharing this scene!
Thanks everybody for the comments and the kind words!
Oh I love teen kisses…or rather the almost-kiss! So awkward, so innocent. And I love the telepathic spin…way cool! Thanks so much for joining in on this kissing party. You helped make it so much fun!
OH! Tell me they kiss eventually! I need closure here!
Thanks, Sherrinda!
I think they will, Jenni, but I haven’t decided. We’ll have to see what happens if/when I write it.
This is so cute. I love the way they act together at this important moment!
You’ve managed to portray the angst of unintentional teen cruelty so well with only a few words. You have a talent. I wish you success in obtaining publication and an agent — of course not in that order. Come read my first page and see what you think of it. Roland
That was so great! In such a short space I could really get inside their heads. Nice work!
I really enjoyed this. There’s nothing like young teen love tension, and you’ve shown it well.