Q is for Questions

Questions can be a great way to get ready to write. We looked at some character questions last week. This time, I want to look at my favorite idea/plot generating questions.

  • What if . . . ?
  • How could X happen?
  • What would it take
  • How can this be more? Do I have any other ideas this would combine with well?
  • What’s the worst thing that could happen?
  • What does this character want?
  • What kind of person would want/not want this?
  • What else is going on in his/her life?
  • Who is the least likely suspect?
  • Who would be the worst/most painful person to do this to the protagonist?
  • Why would s/he do such a thing?
  • How can I get A to do/want/say Q?
  • What other part of the story can I tie this to?
  • Who else is in play here?
  • How can this character have a subplot that parallels the main plot?
  • What else can go wrong?
  • How can I make something go right, but at such a wrong time that it just makes everything worse?
  • Who else is out to get them? Why?
  • What else is going on in this setting? How can that tie in?
  • Can I make things worse?

Sometimes, I find myself just answering these questions subconsciously as I plot and write, but usually I can trace my thought process back through the questions I asked myself to get there.

What do you think? What kind of questions do you ask yourself when plotting?

Photo by Gillian Maniscalco

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