It’s the first Friday of the month! I’m reporting on my goals for August and setting new ones for September. Come join in!
August accountability
I spent the first third of the month on vacation with my family, the next third recovering/unpacking/preparing for school, and the last third sending my kids back to school!
My second child started school this year, and she loves it so far.
- Send the sequel to I, Spy out to my usual beta readers, plus probably a few more & incorporate their feedback—on the last day of the month, I got this DONE! I had to rip the novel apart, and I hope I sewed it back together okay. Within hours of sending it, I opened it to a random page and found a continuity error. Oy.
- Prep the sequel to I, Spy to send to editor (and do it!)—Um, no. This month!
- Start something new! My optimistic goal: 12,000 words on something new. Should be doable….?— AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ha. HA.
- Read, read, read! Still working on that digital TBR, but the physical one is calling to me, too.—Moved most of this to this month, but I did read
- Unpack: tackle the garage, landing place for most of the stuff we brought over in the month after we “officially” moved.—We’ve made some serious headway here. But by “we” I mean “my beloved husband.”
September goals
With the baby down for an afternoon nap, my third child sometimes doesn’t know what to do with herself! I’m hoping to convince her to take the occasional nap (she needs it even more than I need her to do it). We’re still getting into a routine, but I’m hoping things will settle down a bit and I can get some serious work done—fast.
I’m going to break out all that I hope to accomplish this month. Because I’m crazy like that.
- Sequel: Deep edit, incorporate beta feedback, read aloud, send to editor.
- Finish back cover copy and get cover for sequel.
- Finish Character Arcs & send to betas.
- Set up a big promotion for I, Spy
- Run Promenade booth
- Critique
- Start something new (and SHORT)?
How . . . ? Can anybody loan me a couple extra hours a day?
What’s up for you this month?