March accountability & April goals

Whoa. Where did March go? And my birthday’s already over, so April’s kinda downhill from here 😉 . But I’ve got lots of time to get crackin’ on these goals!

GoalsMarch accountability

  • Host the goal-setting challenge for my writers’ group, the March-a-thon. (Which helps with everything else!)—Done! I let it slide a bit more than I meant to, but luckily planning ahead and delegating meant that it didn’t totally fall apart. Thanks to everyone who helped!
  • Enter rewrites from critique group suggestions on Spy Another Day 3.—Done! THAT, my friends, was a lot of work. I actually did two whole drafts on that, and still have 450 notes to address, mostly from myself. (Not exaggerating.)
  • Begin the deep edit on Spy Another Day 3.—Yes . . . if doing 1 page on Monday counts.
  • Enter beta feedback on next writing craft book & finish writing out examples.—Yep! Thanks, betas!!
  • Prep that book for publication.—Yep! (Obviously)
  • Make cover and gather materials for next-next writing craft book.—Um . . . whoops. Now it’s done.
  • More Whitney award reading.—Yes! I’d hoped to read 12 Whitney books in March, but I only got 10.5. I’m so not disappointed 😉 . With the five I’d already read, that leaves me 5 books to read by next week.
  • Write a novella (gulp!)—Yeah, no. Still feeling out the plot on this one, but I need to get it done. Seriously. However, I did get 1000 words on Monday, and taken with the scene I needed to get out of my head in November, the first chapter is nearly done.

April goals

The first two goals here are my top priorities, but the rest are in a roughly chronological order.

  • Top priority: finalize my presentations for (and attend) the LDStorymakers conference!
  • Second priority: Finish those last 5 Whitney reads!
  • Seriously, write that dang novella.
  • Deep edit Spy Another Day 3 and incorporate cultural feedback.
  • Reread Saints & Spies to begin the publication phase!
  • Write new stuff for next writing craft book.

The list looks short, but some of those tasks are huge. But I got this . . . right?

What’s up for you this month?

Photo by Celestine Chua