Tag Archives: 2013

TBR Tuesday: 2013 Reading Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions are all about stretching yourself, right? Two years ago, I set a goal to read 50 books that year. I made it formal with Goodreads, and after a bit of catch-up in December I finally reached that goal.

As I’ve mentioned, last year was more of a challenge, and this year my schedule is probably going to be just as demanding. (In fact, one week into the year, I’m already three weeks behind in my schedule thanks to repeated illnesses, the Christmas rush, travel and my youngest sister’s wedding. So, you know, nothing big.) But I need to make sure I take the time to refill my creative wells, especially with a busy schedule.

I’ve blogged before about how hard it is for me to read while writing. With my yearly schedule, I know when I’ll be drafting and when I’ll be editing, so I can anticipate when I’ll be able to read more.

Not just about the numbers

If you have a goal to read a set number of books in a year, that’s great. I know that setting a specific number in 2011 definitely pushed me to read more. But I also like the freedom to read—or give up on—as much as I choose.

On Twitter this weekend, I heard about a “Book Gap Challenge” to read the books that we haven’t gotten around to yet, or the genres we tend to neglect.

As I was looking over what I read in 2012, I was surprised to discover where my (recorded) tastes fell, almost exclusively. Bottom line: I need to read more adult books. This is a challenge for me partially because I avoid books with excessive language, sex and violence, and partially because even very good adult books often don’t reel me in the way a lot of the YA I read does. I

For 2013, I think that’s how I want to try to stretch myself: focusing on my adult-book gap. So . . . any recommendations?

What do you think? What are your 2013 reading goals? Will you focus on genre, total, or another factor?

Photo by Lauren

Predicting the future: plans for 2013!

Happy New Year! I hope your holiday was fantastic, and didn’t involve, I don’t know, your first trip to the ER in 25 years or something like that (yay! Pleurisy!). I love a fresh beginning (and a clear bill of health 🙂 ), but I don’t particularly feel inclined to make New Year’s Resolutions (basically ever). However, I do have big plans for this year.

Over the last year and a half, I’ve really become devoted to scheduling to help achieve my goals easily, and this year is no different.

2013 fireworks

Blog schedule in 2013!

Last year, I created a blog schedule with themed days, which I sometimes even stuck to. Each month, I’d write out post ideas for each of those days. This made blogging pretty easy! So I’ll try to continue that pattern this year, but I’m changing up my days a bit. In 2013, we’ll look at:

  • Mondays: ups & downs of the writing life
  • Tuesdays: the Neverending TBR pile
  • Wednesdays: Writing craft
  • Thursdays: TBA
  • Fridays: all kinds of fun

I’ll also be working on several writing guide PDFs this year, including last year’s marketing series, and updating some of the older PDFs throughout the year.

Writing in 2013

Naturally, I’ve got big plans in writing, too. I actually made up a day-by-day production schedule last month—leaving the end of the year a little open, but still. Kinda scary, huh?

If I can keep up with my schedule, I’ll finish two new books and a short novella this year. Unfortunately, I’m already behind in my schedule (I really hope this isn’t indicative of the future!), so I’ll probably be playing catch up a bit this month—but I’ll writing that novella and starting on one of my novels. My production schedule also takes into account lots of editing and critiquing—but I actually tried not to push myself too hard.

Writing slower

Yes, shockingly, one of my goals for 2013 is to write slower.

I wrote two new novels in 2012, in a combined total of less than six weeks. I kind of love letting my fictional worlds consume me, and I found that writing so much, so quickly had some definite advantages in quality (no, really!)—but also some distinct drawbacks.

To put it bluntly, writing isn’t my only—or even my most important—responsibility. I’ve got three small children, and I’m not going to plant them in front of the TV forever. So one of my most important goals this year is to be more careful about my writing time. I’ll still shoot for a decent amount of words when I’m drafting, but it’s less than half of my 2012 daily drafting goal. I really don’t want to spend more than ~4 hours a day on my work, and most or all of that while my kids are at (pre)school or asleep.

I absolutely believe you have to guard your work time—but novels aren’t the only things I’m working on right now, and I’m pretty sure my fictional characters can wait much better than the real characters who awe weawwy, weawwy hungwy!

What do you think? What do you hope to achieve in 2013? Come join the conversation!

Photo by Kotomi Yamamura