TBR Tuesday: INDIEpendence Day Blogfest

Happy INDIEpendence Day!

The book

I thought and thought about what indie published book I could highlight today, and finally I remembered ones that I just recently got during their free promotions. I heard about them direct from the author, Dene Low, who happened to teach the one creative writing class I took in college. Years later, I ran into her at a writers’ conference and looked up her books.

When she mentioned these freebies on Twitter, I snapped them right up! They’re regularly $3.99 on Kindle, so even full price, they’re a bargain!

Crimson Blues Write Like Your Brain Works
Thirty-year-old lawyer Amanda Taylor moves to a small town after winning a sensational criminal case that got national attention. She’s tired of criminal law and just wants to settle into private practice in a place that will allow her to recoup her energies and her belief in human beings. However, although she loves her new home, after she meets her handsome neighbor, Kevin Blakely, she realizes that something isn’t right in the town. Kevin has been brought in from another state to be the new county school district supervisor. He thinks it’s so he can bring the school district into the technological age, but he becomes suspicious when the district budget doesn’t add up and certain members of the school board, who had welcomed him with open arms, begin to distance themselves from him. When he realizes he has been set up to be the scapegoat in a case of fraud and embezzlement, he goes to the only lawyer who isn’t part of the good old boy network in town—Amanda. As the case becomes more complicated, so do Amanda’s and Kevin’s feelings for each other. Learn how to write more easily, more creatively, and more effectively by taking advantage of the way your brain is hardwired to use language. You can write thousands of words a day by using this system and knowing the strategies that will appeal most effectively to your readers. You can learn how to revise easily and with purpose. I’ve done the research so you can have access to my knowledge and thirty years of experience without having to go through all of the work I did. By using my writing system, you can be more productive and inventive and strategic as you write.

I’ve previously read Dene’s trade published MG novel, Petronella Saves Nearly Everyone: The Entomological Tales of Augustus T. Percival. It was nominated for an Edgar Award (I can hardly believe someone I sort-of know was nominated for an Edgar!), and it’s absolutely adorable! It also happens to be $3.99 on Kindle. I’m really looking forward to both of Dene’s books on my electronic TBR!

The Giveaway!

I’m giving away your choice of one copy of Dene Low’s Kindle e-books! You must leave a comment on this blog post AND fill out the Rafflecopter below to enter, and additional entries are available through the Rafflecopter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You may enter through July 8th; winner will be announced here July 9th & contacted via e-mail.

Join the blogfest!

Want to join in the INDIEpendence Day blogfest? Here’s how it works:

  1. PICK A BOOK: Pick an indie (self-published or small press) book that you either HAVE READ AND LOVED or WANT TO READ.
  2. WRITE A POST: On INDIEpendence day (July 2nd), write a post about that book. It can be a review, an interview with the author, or simply a post highlighting the book. In your post, be sure to include: 1) HOW you found out about the book and 2) WHY you liked it (or WHY you want to read it). Make it easy for people to sample your indie author by providing buy links as well.
  3. DO A GIVEAWAY (optional): You can give away swag, or a copy of the indie book you’re highlighting, or don’t do a giveaway at all – it’s up to you!
  4. IMPORTANT: you may NOT highlight your own novel or one of the Indelible’s novels (this is a Pay It Forward event!)
  5. GO TO GOODREADS (optional): Add the Indie book or books you’re featuring to our ever-growing INDIEpendence Day List.

Which of Dene’s books would you pick? What indie published books are on your TBR??

Join the Canada Day Book-e-bration!

I’m sure you have your Canada Day all planned out, but—that’s today. Yes, I’m sure.

You have no plans?! Well, then . . . one more time! Tonight at the Pleasant Grove City Library from 7 to 9 PM, author Julie Coulter Bellon and I will be hosting a Canada Day Book-e-bration!

Come Celebrate Canada Day with Your Family at the Pleasant Grove Library—the perfect family night to learn about our Canadian neighbors.

  • Door prizes and drawings
  • Canada fun facts
  • Canada coloring pages and crafts
  • Canadian treat samples
  • Canada storytelling

Canadian author Julie Coulter Bellon will also be signing her books at the event along with Jordan McCollum (me!), whose CIA titles are set in Canada. Books will be available for purchase that evening.

canada day1

INDIEpendence Day!

I love to support independent publishers—self-published or small press—and my friends in the Indelibles, so you know I’ll be participating in the INDIEpendence Day Blogfest next week!

Want to join? Here’s how:

  1. PICK A BOOK: Pick an indie (self-published or small press) book that you either HAVE READ AND LOVED or WANT TO READ.
  2. WRITE A POST: On INDIEpendence day (July 2nd), write a post about that book. It can be a review, an interview with the author, or simply a post highlighting the book. In your post, be sure to include: 1) HOW you found out about the book and 2) WHY you liked it (or WHY you want to read it). Make it easy for people to sample your indie author by providing buy links as well.
  3. DO A GIVEAWAY (optional): You can give away swag, or a copy of the indie book you’re highlighting, or don’t do a giveaway at all – it’s up to you!
  4. IMPORTANT: you may NOT highlight your own novel or one of the Indelible’s novels (this is a Pay It Forward event!)
  5. GO TO GOODREADS (optional): Add the Indie book or books you’re featuring to our ever-growing INDIEpendence Day List.

For extra incentive, the Indelibles will be giving away a $10 Kindle gift card (to be used on Indie books!) to a random host from the participating blogs!

(Also, if anybody wanted to highlight I, Spy, I wouldn’t say no. Just sayin’ 😉 .)

Are you down for INDIEpendence Day?

More secret sauce!

Three fun announcements!

I, Spy is on sale here on my site! Get $2.99 off Mr. Nice Spy and/or I, Spy ebooks through June 30!

Donna Weaver and I switched places this week! Today I’m blogging for her on Motivation-Reaction Units. Come comment!

Also, I think I forgot to mention that my guest post on Darlene’s Book Nook also came with a giveaway with several prizes—a print copy (US & Canada) and two e-books. There’s still time to enter!

Donna K. Weaver’s Secret Sauce: Overused Words

Donna-Author Pic 2013by Donna K. Weaver

Some time ago, I was reading about the use of the word “that.” I’m quite fond of it and decided to do a search of my ms and see how many times I used it.

914 times.

I then did a search and replace, inspecting each use and evaluating it. I eliminated over 300 uses of that word. I noticed other instances where I could better phrase the sentences and get rid of some more. I didn’t want to make a lot of sentence structure changes then, so as I’m going through and looking for times to ‘show and not tell’ I’m also looking at that word.

Is that a filler word? Like the word ‘like’. You, like, you know, want to go, like, to the store, and you know, like you see this like hunky guy, you know, and you so drool on yourself.

English classes teach us really bad habits. I found that out the hard way—in business writing. Instructors would give us assignments to write a 500-word paper. What did we do? We wrote the longest, most complicated sentences we could imagine in order to hit that magical 500-word mark. All those extra words didn’t make our point better, didn’t make it easier to understand, and probably didn’t make it any more fun to read.

Then we get into the real business world where we’re told correspondence better not be longer than one page. Business people are busy and a lengthy letter is likely to be set aside. There’s an interesting article here with some suggestions for when to eliminate ‘that.’

“That” is an example of an overused word. There are lots of them. One good place to find out where some of yours might be is autocrit. You can plug in some of your writing and it will evaluate it—500 words for free. There are also other software programs that do this.

And our host, Jordan, has a Word macro which cuts and pastes all the sentences using your crutch words into a new document if you already know what your writing crutches are.

Do you know what words you overuse or rely on too much?

About the Author
a-change-of-plansDonna K. Weaver is a Navy brat who joined the Army and has lived in Asia and Europe. Because she sailed the Pacific three times as a child, she loves cruising and wishes she could accrue enough vacation time to do more of it with her husband. After recording city council minutes for twenty years, Donna decided to write something a little longer and with a lot more emotion–and kissing.

Donna’s first novel, A Change of Plans debuted earlier this month. When Lyn sets off on her supposedly uncomplicated and unromantic cruise, she never dreams it will include pirates. She finds herself drawn to Braedon, an intriguing surgeon—but her emotional baggage dashes her hopes for a happy ending. Paradise turns to piracy when their party is kidnapped and Lyn’s fear of a fairytale turns grim. Now she must fight alongside the man she rejected, first for their freedom and then against storms, sharks, and shipwreck.

TBR Tuesday: Summer Reading

I remember the summer reading programs at the library as a child very vividly. I remember the cardstock 11×17 folders with all the blank lines to fill with the titles of books we read. I remember the lofty goals. I do remember writing down lots of books . . . but I don’t remember actually filling the whole folder, or parties or prizes or much of anything else.

Summer Reading table.I shared my summer reading list with LDS Women’s Book Review, most of which I’ve shared with you already (two down so far!). But today I’m thinking more about my kids’ list.

We’ve done a few library reading programs, but we never seem to be around for the parties at the end of summer. One year the kids got shirts just for signing up, which was cool. But my favorite summer reading program so far is Barnes & Noble’s: kids read eight books and get a ninth one free! My seven-year-old has probably already burned through 8, but we need to keep track of the titles. There are a couple books on the list of free book choices that I know each of my kids would love.

Summer reading assignments? Not so much. (Fortunately, my kids are all too young for those.)

How does your family read during the summer?

Photo by San José Library

Writing events (not just mine!)

Book launch event

You might remember the missing persons case of Susan Cox Powell. Her husband, Josh, was a person of interest in the case, but the police could never find enough evidence to charge him. More than a year after she disappeared, during a custodial visitation, Josh took the lives of their young sons before committing suicide.

Josh’s dark inner life was heavily influenced—perhaps even engineered—by his father. Yet the tragedy might have been avoided. Josh’s sister, Jennifer Graves, grew up in the same household. But her choices led to a very kind of different life: one of faith, hope and happiness.

In her new book, A Light In Dark Places, co-authored with my friend Emily Gray Clawson, Jennifer talks about what it was like to grow up in a household where evil was engineered—and how to break that chain and escape.

That book is out today! Come celebrate tonight at Paradigm High School (11577 S 3600 W, South Jordan, Utah) from 7-9:30 PM. Nathan Osmond and Jessie Clark Funk will both be performing, and proceeds from book sales (and sales at the nearby Wendy’s) will go to the Susan Cox Powell and ChainBreakers Foundations.

(Also, come so I have someone to talk to, mmkay?)

Book blast!

Author Linda Weaver Clarke is celebrating her newest release by offering ten free ebooks to anyone who purchases her new sweet romance, The Rebels Of Cordovia, this week—including Mr. Nice Spy!

Centuries after the legendary Robin Hood, a group of men and women find themselves fighting for the same cause: for their rights, for freedom of speech, and equality. Robin’s Rebels realize they must fight against the tyranny of a wicked king and help the people survive this oppression. In the small country of Cordovia, small groups of rebels begin springing up, but its Robin’s Rebels who get the attention of the king. In this battle for freedom, a tender love story begins to blossom. Daniel, a rogue and a leader of the Freemen, doesn’t realize that the sweet feminine woman he has met and is falling for happens to be the leader of Robin’s Rebels. Realizing the importance of uniting all the rebel groups, Daniel tries to recruit Robin’s Rebels but they refuse. Now he has to find a way to convince them. When he finds out the leader is actually a woman, what will his reaction be?

Here’s how to get your free books!

My next event

I also have an event coming up with my friend Julie Coulter Bellon: our Canada Day Book-e-bration! Next Monday, come celebrate Canada Day with us at the Pleasant Grove City Library, 7-9 PM.

  • Door prizes and drawings
  • Canada fun facts
  • Canada coloring pages
  • Canadian treat samples
  • Canada storytelling

canada day1

Where in heck am I?

Rather than kludge the post title into a reference to my book title, I’m going to tell you a story. Once upon a time, my mother was studying English at a very conservative, religious university. (Where I also went; not knocking it, just setting up the story.) For one of her classes, Mom read Dante’s Inferno (and probably the rest of The Divine Comedy, too). She brought her text with her to work on campus.

Okay, I mentioned how super-super conservative this university is? Like, swearing-(among-many-other-things)-is-verbotten conservative. ‘Kay.

So her boss took great delight in greeting my mother each day: “Where in Hell are you today, Diana?”

Well, I’m laughing. Humor comes from the unexpected, right?

Anyway, I’ve been out and about in the blogosphere this week! Come catch up with me:

Some recent reviews from Melissa at Reading It All and Freda at Freda’s Voice.

Yesterday, I, Spy was featured at Workaday Reads! Since it’s set in Canada, I, Spy also qualifies for Workaday Reads’ Canadian Reading Challenge!

Today, you could find a brand new excerpt from Chapter Two of I, Spy at Lisa is a Bookworm!

And tomorrow, come learn about the setting I didn’t use at Darlene’s Book Nook.