A brand new edition–er, addition

Aside from running my Deepen Your Characters, Deepen Your Fiction course, I’ve been pretty quiet online this year. There’s a reason for this.

His name is Benjamin.


Benjamin joined our family on March 8. He’s pretty cute, so I think we’ll keep him.

Today: pinch proofed!

(More St Patrick’s fun!)

As I just had a baby (#5!), communication, posts & publication will be on a delayed schedule.

5 thoughts on “A brand new edition–er, addition”

  1. Congratulations, Jordan – what fabulous news! Benjamin is absolutely adorable…so handsome! ;D

  2. Ahh! He’s so sweet! Congratulations! I hear you with keeping things low-key. My baby #5 is now almost 9 months and I still haven’t caught up but I just love snuggling with him! Enjoy that new baby smell. 🙂

  3. I’ve seen those on sale at Costco … not quite that small though … looks like you got a great deal … 😀 … congratulations.

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