Category Archives: News & Contests

News, announcements and contests from Jordan McCollum

Craft your characters’ arcs with me at Savvy Authors!

Struggling with showing your character’s emotional journey? I’ve got just the thing for you: A two-week in-depth class on character arcs I’m teaching through Savvy Authors!

Join me for Character Arcs: all dressed up and nowhere to grow starting Monday, April 17, 2017. We’ll be digging deep into creating our character’s internal journey of growth and showing it on the page, from backstory to beginning through the climax.

The course lasts two weeks and covers brand new material (even if you’ve been in previous character arcs classes and read my book!). Here’s the syllabus:

  • Week 1—Building the arc
    • Discovering your character’s arc
    • Digging into your character’s past
    • Arcs for other characters (including antagonists & romantic interests)
  • Week 2—Structuring the arc
    • Creating the “illustrating” incident
    • Two steps forward and one step back through the middle
    • The climax of the character arc

Cost: $35 ($25 for premium members of Savvy Authors). I hope you can join us!

Register now!

Photo credits: character arc logo—Ruth and Dave

St. Patrick’s Day Giveaway!

Don’t forget to come learn to Talk Like the Irish this week!

St. Patrick’s Day is coming up! With an Irish heroine in my newest book, I have to celebrate the most Irish holiday—and what better way to celebrate than with a giveaway?! Scroll down to learn more about the Irish prize pack!


SaintsSpies_CVR_MEDWhen she finds her priest murdered, Molly Malone, secretary of their Catholic parish, vows to never let it happen again. She’ll use the full force of her Irish will, and her previous stint on the Irish police force, to protect the new priest from the congregation’s rumors of criminal activity.

Falling in love wasn’t part of her plan. However, young, handsome and — dare she even think it? — flirtatious, Father Tim O’Rourke is nothing she expected. But Father Tim is also nothing like he seems to Molly: he’s Special Agent Zach Saint, an LDS FBI agent undercover to root out the mob that’s hiding in the parish.

And Molly isn’t helping: every time Zach gets close to the mob, Molly manages to get in the way. Falling for her is the last thing he needs. Now Zach must find the murderer and catch the mobsters before his feelings for Molly blow his cover and add another murder or two to the mobsters’ docket.

Buy now | About the book | Excerpt

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To celebrate Saints & Spies and St. Patrick’s Day, I’m giving away an Irish prize pack!

irish accent gum front1024x577irish accent gum back576x1024

In the pack, one lucky winner will get to enjoy Paddy O’Connell’s Instant Irish Accent Gum, homemade barmbrack (okay, it’s more Halloween appropriate, but not many foods ship well, folks), and, my favorite, two handknit prizes: a shamrock pin and a very special set of mittens.

Hand-holding mitten in action:


wp-1456979290800.jpgThese aren’t just any mittens, my friends. They’re hand crafted with a Celtic knot cable design on the wrists. There are actually three mittens in the set: two individual mittens, and, perfect for any romantic, one mitten designed so you can hold hands! The real wool mittens use two colors: one called “Molly” and the other called “Father Tim”! (Okay, so it was really called “Father Time,” but close enough!) Even I’m surprised at how beautifully the colors meld together in the hand holding mitten. They’re cozy and sure to keep you and your beloved warm through long, wintry walks or professions of love on snowy back porches, if either of those are in your future.

Okay, I love these things. And all this semi-kitschy, super fun Irish stuff. And I’m giving them to you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Physical prizes shipped to US addresses only. Entries must be received before March 19, 2016. No purchase necessary.

Want to have the first chance to enter future giveaways? Be sure to join my readers’ group!

Come learn to talk like the Irish!

irish accent gum front1024x577Are you ready for St. Patrick’s Day? In honor of my Irish heroine from Saints & Spies, Molly Malone, I’m visiting three libraries in Utah for a fun night (or afternoon) of Irish language, culture, food and possibly even dance!

Kissin’ the Blarney Stone: Talk like the Irish!

Join me for a fun time and celebrate your Irish heritage (or lack thereof!) by learning about Irish English, slang and culture today. The craic will be rapid! There may be treats and even dancing!

March 16, 2016
1 PM
March 16, 2016
7 PM
March 17, 2016
7 PM
Millcreek Center Library
2266 E Evergreen Ave
East Millcreek, Utah
Pleasant Grove City Library
30 East Center
Pleasant Grove, Utah
American Fork Public Library
64 S 100 E
American Fork, Utah
Children’s library

Come join me!

Book cover SMACKDOWN!

My friend, author Ranee’ S. Clark, is hosting a super fun event on her blog this month. In honor of March Madness, she’s hosting a Book Cover Tournament! Each week, two book covers face off in a cover-only voting contest. The winners will vie for the ultimate title. Fill out a bracket and enter the giveaway for more chances for you to win (and more fun)!

Today, my cover for Saints & Spies is up! Go check me out and vote for this beauty (scroll down to find my matchup):


Join me this week!

Hey! I’ve got two awesome events this week, and I hope you’ll join me:

Meet SIX local authors!

Even if you couldn’t come for the murder mystery dinner, we do have fun FREE events tomorrow:

6 PM – 7 PM
Meet & greet with authors Annette Lyon, Heather B. Moore, Sarah M. Eden, Jordan McCollum, Lisa Mangum, & Josi S. Kilpack

And, oh yeah, this will be your first chance to get a print copy of my next book!

Northampton House
198 W 300 N
American Fork, Utah

And then . . .

Hone your writing craft!

I’ll also be teaching THIS SATURDAY at a FREE writers conference. YES, FREE!

Saturday, October 24
Writers Building Community Conference, presented by the United Authors Association with the Springville Library
Classes 9 AM – 4:30 PM
Author signing 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM

I’ll be teaching on approaching POV problems through character voice (and “voice” versa).

Read more & register!

And yes, I will have copies of my new novel there, too (unless I sell out first!).

Springville Public Library
45 South Main Street
Springville, UT 84663

Multi-Author Murder Mystery Dinner Coming Up!

So last month, I had a novella come out in a Timeless Romance Anthology. Next month, we’re celebrating at the scene where one of the stories is set!

Come hang out with SIX awesome authors! Enjoy a fabulous dinner! . . . Solve a murder? YOU BET!

And, oh yeah, this will be your first chance to get a print copy of my next book!

Buy tickets now!


Vital stats

Annette Lyon, Heather B. Moore, Sarah M. Eden, Jordan McCollum, Lisa Mangum, Josi S. Kilpack

Tuesday, October 20, 2015, 6-8 PM
Gorgeous, historic Northampton House
198 W 300 N American Fork, Utah

Author Meet & Greet (free admission!)
Bookstore (free admission!)
Delicious Dinner (ticket required)
Live Murder Mystery to Solve! (ticket required)

Tickets: $28 per person

View the menu

Buy tickets now!

New online class coming up next week!

Want some hands-on help understanding how structure will help your story and crafting your revision plan? Sign up for my next online class, starting Sunday!

Structural Self-Editing: GPS for Your Story Jordan McCollum

28 September – 25 October 2015
taught at

Sign up today!
After a first draft, do you have a solid story or . . . not quite? A structural edit enables you to refine your individual scenes and guide your work on the highest level. Discover how to build strong narrative structure, create a resonant theme, and craft an unputdownable story through the structural self-editing process.

This hands-on class will give you the tools and guidance necessary to understand good story structure and apply it to your story. Before you start polishing your prose, tap into the power of these vital editing tools to get your whole novel on the right course.


Level: Mixed/Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced
Where: The Savvy Forums
Cost: Premium Savvy Author Members $30 / Basic Members $40


Week 1: Crafting your character arc & thinking about theme
Week 2: Strong story structure & solid scene structure
Week 3: Common pitfalls of story and scene structure
Week 4: The Scene Chart–find weak spots & craft your revision plan

Sign up today!