Last year, I volunteered to trade manuscripts with a stranger. If I remember correctly, her manuscript was one of her first completed novels—and just a few short months later, Deanna Barnhart‘s running a very successful writing blog, with an awesome blogfest this month:
Today, we’re supposed to post a writing question, so here’s mine.
I’ve been studying writing craft since I was a teenager—which isn’t a super long time ago (I’ll just tell you, I’m 28), but still, I couldn’t seem to exactly remember how I learned to write. A couple months ago, it came to me: the Internet.
In the mid-nineties, there was this website on writing craft. It might have even been an ezine. It had some pretty good stuff. The site color scheme was red and black, and it might have had a grayish color background.
The only concrete writing advice I can remember from the site was to edit (what a concept!) and a story one student had written that involved postcards and balloons. It had a sleepy beginning, but the author of the article (who wasn’t the author of the story) suggested the story author add two sentences to the beginning of the story that would help highlight the poignancy of the postcards to the readers.
I think I came across the site again a few years ago, so it might still be out there. I also think it had some form of the word “write” in the name and URL.
My question: where can I find this website?
Last week was our first Writing Wednesday. Maybe one of these articles will help answer your question!
- James Duckett – How to use semicolon
- James Duckett – How to use i.e. and e.g. correctly
- Tristi Pinkston – Targeting Your Audience
- Betsy Love – Clarity
- Alex Hoagland
- Brainstorming and Plotting: The Beginnings
Even if you can’t help me find that website, be sure to come back next Wednesday for Writing Wednesday II, to share your favorite blog posts on writing!
I’m sorry, but I don’t know. There’s so much good stuff out there.
ditto for me sorry!
Darn, this is a hard one Jordan! I have no idea either. Good luck on finding the site.
Thanks for the compliment on my blog Jordan. That was too sweet:) It was you and your advice and encouragment with that horrid manuscript I gave you that opened my eyes to this huge writing world at our fingertips…so, THANK YOU!
Yeah, I would have no clue where to find that thing…………. Good luck in the hunt for it!
Oh my gosh, I almost just died laughing. Sure, give us some vague crazy details such as: I think, maybe the website has some red, maybe some black, oh wait, I think there may have been some puce in there somewhere. And the title could possibly have had the word write…or maybe it was cheddar, hmmm…who knows. Now go find it! Ta!
Love. It! Way, way, too funny!!
Going to follow you on RSS
Sorry no clue! But good luck!
I look forward to you telling us you found it, Jordan.
I’m following you now.
Your awesome.
I’m following you.
Thanks for the shout-out!!