My favorite word

My favorite two words might be “The End”—but that’s not what we’re talking about right now!

My favorite word in the whole world is cream. Yep. I like the word. I like the roll of the ‘c’ and the ‘r’ at the back of the throat and the smooth finish of the ‘m.’ I like the smooth richness the word connotes. I like cream soda and ice cream—I even want to try an egg cream (though carbonated chocolate syrup doesn’t sound that good to me).

Lately, I’ve found myself pausing over another word: flavor. After reading a hilarious essay on “flavor” as an ingredient, I’m increasingly wary of “artificial flavor,” “natural flavor” and most especially the ambiguous neuter, simply “flavor.”

Flavor. Fllllavor. Flavor. Flavor. It just starts to sound weird. Flavor.

Plus, it’s funny:

funny pictures of cats with captions

Somehow, I don’t think it’s a coincidence my favorite words have to do with food.

What are your favorite words?

5 thoughts on “My favorite word”

  1. Hi Jordan,

    My favorite word is darling. My grandmother would describe children (me), clothes, and anything she loved as darling. I don’t equate it with romance or a term of endearment. It brings me back to one of my favorite people. When everything I was, said, did, or wore was darling.

  2. In recent years I’ve come to know ‘flavor’ (or ‘flavour’ as we say in Aussie/British English :D) as something relating to IT… lol

  3. I suppose my favorite word would be “smile.” It has a great image behind it that everyone can relate to enthusiastically, and is easy to spell with very few negative associations. Like the word “love”(No doubt, most peoples’ favorite) and the word “happy” there is little to tax one’s intellect here. But you want your intellect challenged? Try:” Defenestrate.”

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