I’m guest posting today at Romance University on six steps to better character arcs in romances!
It’s the first Friday of the month! I’m reporting on my goals for July and setting new ones for August. Come join in!
July accountability
I had a lot of family stuff in July. My youngest sister graduated college (a 4-hour drive one way for me), so my parents came out for that. While they were visiting, we also blessed (christened) my baby, so my husband’s parents came up for that. Plus, we moved about two months ago, and it just. never. ends!!! Then we went on vacation.
Isn’t summer supposed to be, like, a lazy time? Sigh. So here’s what I did in July, writing-wise (mostly):
- ACTUALLY FINISH THE BOOK—DONE!!! It ended up a little short in the first week of July, but it was fleshed out by almost 7000 words in the last quarter alone by the time I turned it in to my critique group on the 16th. That’s lots of work.
- Finish editing this book for critique group. Yep, DONE.
- Implement as much of my critique group feedback as possible—this book has required the most extensive post-critique rewrites. Sigh. I wrote the wrong book (at least in one storyline). Fortunately, my critique group is awesome and they were instrumental in figuring that out and helping me fix it. Now if only they could stop the world for me so I had enough time to fully fix it.
- Continue unpacking Yeah, yeah. Always. I finished my office! Got most of my room unpacked! (I’ve been wearing the same week’s worth of clothes since we moved, so that’s a big deal.)
- Start something new?? Probably something short. I have four ideas calling to me. We’ll see which one calls the loudest—still pondering this, plotting out a bit.
- Load up on blog posts (including guest posts and interviews) so I can enjoy more time with my family—Check!
- Read (while with the fam): tackle the digital TBR for a while—if I can find my Kindle. I just had it. . . . These things need locator beacons!—I finally found my Kindle. Funny story. Maybe I’ll share it one day
August goals
I’m still neck deep in family time (and loving it, of course!), so some of these goals don’t really start until later this month.
- Send the sequel to I, Spy out to my usual beta readers, plus probably a few more & incorporate their feedback.
- Prep the sequel to I, Spy to send to editor (and do it!)
- Start something new! My optimistic goal: 12,000 words on something new. Should be doable….?
- Read, read, read! Still working on that digital TBR, but the physical one is calling to me, too.
- Unpack: tackle the garage, landing place for most of the stuff we brought over in the month after we “officially” moved.
What’s up for you this month?
I have a friend who dreads not July but August every year, because most of her family has birthdays in August, so it’s a very packed time of year!
I personally love July & August here ’cause it’s winter. Abhor summer in almost every way there is.
I haven’t done nearly as much work on my various creative goals as I would have liked. Almost totally my own fault, because I’ve been a slacker! But moving house helped there, I guess.