Tag Archives: revisions

Happy birthday to me!

My birthday present to myself: finishing revisions on Evidence!

My birthday present to you: an excerpt from Duty of the Priest!

Presents that feel this good without costing a dime (no comment on opportunity cost): priceless.

Bragging rights

I’m so excited! Judged by the wonderful Annette Lyon and hosted by the illustrious Michelle Mitchell of Scribbit fame, the March 2009 Write-Away Contest centered around the theme of “sweet.” And this morning, they announced the winner:


I know you’re dying to see the winning entry, so here you go:

The stereotypical image of the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden is an apple. I must respectfully dissent from popular opinion here—if I had to choose a modern fruit to grow on the tree of knowledge of good and evil, I’d have to go with the plum. . . .

Read the rest of “The Bitter and the Sweet.”

Aside from some very decadent-sounding truffles, I’m getting some serious bragging rights. I should also thank Sarah and my mother for their help editing the essay. Yes, I’m revealing a deep dark secret—I’m not a prize-winning author on my first draft. And of course, thanks to Annette for judging and Michelle for hosting!

Revisions, Round One

Well, three months after I started the manuscript, I think I’m finally done with round one revisions on Duty of the Priest. (I have to be careful about using that working title too much; I’ll get attached and I know they’re going to change it!) My friend is done with her parallel story and I’ve spent the last three days “correlating” them—making sure that they’re consistent wherever they overlap. I’m a one-woman correlation committee 😉 .

At this point, I’ve gotten it as good as I can get it while it’s all still this “close.” So now I’m sending it off to my wonderful critique partner for feedback—and to get some distance.

And, of course, now I can really focus on the sequel.