Tag Archives: wtn

Write that Novel 3!

Looking for a story idea? Here are a few titles that just might get you started.

  • Courage in the Face of Commas
  • All’s Well That Doesn’t End in Murder
  • It’s All Fun and Games Until Somebody Loses Their (His/Her) Life
  • Romancing the Keystone State
  • The Top Ten Things I Really Shouldn’t Have Had for Breakfast
  • Zen and the Art of Golf Ball Fishing
  • Monster Sandwich

So write that novel—but what’s the plot? Share your craziest idea for a book with any of the above titles in the comments!

Photo by Malik M. L. Williams

Write that Novel 2!

Looking for a story idea? Here are a few titles that just might get you started.

  • Say Bagels and Laugh
  • The Book of Unhappy Endings
  • Dumped by Paris

So write that novel—but what’s the plot? Share your craziest idea for a book with any of the above titles in the comments!

Photo by Georg Mayer

Write that Novel!

I have the hardest time coming up with titles for my works. I usually don’t settle on a title I like before the fourth draft. But I know some writers actually start there. Are you looking for a story idea? Here are a few titles that just might get you started.

  • Ninja in Airwalks (or more generically, Sneakers)
  • Pickled Justice
  • A Faithful Lie

So write that novel—but what’s the plot? Share your craziest idea for a book with any of the above titles in the comments!

Photo credit: typofi