My book launch party with Donna Weaver was this past weekend, and it was so much fun! Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who came out to support us!
But if you missed out, don’t worry! We’ve got another event coming up very soon!
My next event: Writers’ Night!
It’s Spies & Pirates (part 2): Writers’ Night!
June 19, American Fork Public Library, 7-8 PM!
Donna and I are working on some awesome writing instruction to help writers at all levels, and we’re also working on some fun writing games to help you think creatively and describe body language and action in unique ways.
I’ve got another event in the works with my inimitable critique partner Julie Coulter Bellon:
Canada Day Book-e-bration: The Great White North Comes To Pleasant Grove
Pleasant Grove (Utah) City Library, July 1, 7-9 PM
Come Celebrate Canada Day with Your Family at the Pleasant Grove Library—the perfect family night to learn about our Canadian neighbors!
- Door prizes and drawings
- Canada fun facts
- Canada coloring pages
- Canadian treat samples
- Canada storytelling
Canadian author Julie Coulter Bellon will also be signing her books at the event along with Jordan McCollum, whose CIA titles are set in Canada. Books will be available for purchase that evening.
Want to keep up on all my events? I tend to announce them on my Facebook page first.
Upcoming series: More Secret Sauce!
Just when you thought your writing couldn’t get any secret saucier (I know you were thinking that, secretly ), I’m bringing back the Spilling the secret sauce series—sort of. Starting next week, I’ll have a sister series to spilling secret sauce.
But this time, it won’t just be my secret sauce! I’m in the process of lining up guest posts from some fantastic fellow authors about the skills and techniques that they used to take their writing to the publishable level!
If you’d like to be included in the series, please contact me! (I’m not at all trying to exclude anyone, but since the series is about the techniques used to take writing to a publishable level, so please be sure that guideline applies!)
What do you think? Are you ready for a writers’ night? How about some more secret sauce?
Yay for Canada!
Those all sound like fun events!