This week, Donna K. Weaver and I are hosting a writers’ night (Wednesday, June 19, 7-8 PM, American Fork [Utah] Public Library). The #1 question on everyone’s mind has been What’s a writers’ night?
Answer: a night of learning, games and fun for writers! Donna and I will each be making a very short presentation on some aspect of writing—I think Donna will be having fun with apostrophes, and I’ll be digging into show, don’t tell. We’re hoping to make our presentations appeal to writers on all different skill levels, so whether you’re a multi-published author or a total n00b, we’ll all be able to have fun and learn together.
Once we get that learning stuff out of the way, it will be time for writing games! What kind of games? Games to help writers dig into body language, create cool images, generate new ideas and have fun! Plus we’ll generate some extreme flash fiction. What’s not to love about that?
So come join us!
Also coming up: Canada Day AWESOMENESS at the Pleasant Grove City Library! July 1, 7-9 PM! Read more!
What would you do for a writers’ night?
>>What would you do for a writers’ night?
I’d eat a Klondike bar.
I love writing games, and writing prompts (I so need this in a page-a-day format) Mostly, I think I’d just want to talk to the writers, maybe ask questions or just find out about his or her history. Like if you’ve written 7 novels but have just barely published your first one. I think Brandon Sanderson said he’d written 11 before he got one published. It makes me cry inside, having not yet finished my first. =(