Work in Progress Check-in

In the wake of NaNoWriMo, many of us have just finished a new novel. Now what? Here’s what I’m planning to do in writing this month. Come share your plans, too!

So, that Nano novel…

We talked a little about my Nano novel. The first week of the month I devoted to editing my Nano novel—the final polish on the last section of pages on my Nano 2011 novel and a critique group meeting for those pages, and exporting my Nano 2012 novel into Word.

Something old, something new

Aiming really high, I’d love to spend the next couple weeks working on a short novella, a prequel to another piece, from a minor character’s POV. My first draft goal would be around 18,000 words, and at the rate I write, that should be two weeks of work fairly easily.

And then?

Time off for the holidays! That’s all I’ve got planned writing-wise for the rest of the year, but there’s always lots more on my plate (case in point: some of the handmade gifts I’m planning this year).

How about you? What are your writing plans this month? Come join in the conversation!

One thought on “Work in Progress Check-in”

  1. Sounds like fun. I’m starting revisions on my NaNo novel–lots of work, but I’m taking it slow and enjoying it while I mix in all the holiday fun. December is the month for family, so I’m taking every opportunity to indulge. 🙂

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