June accountability & July goals

It’s the first Friday of the month! I’m reporting on my goals and setting new ones. Come join in!

Also, I’m guest posting today at Elizabeth Spann Craig’s blog on Why Spy? The appeal of spies in fiction. Come share your take (and find a picture of me playing spy in college . . . okay, playing dress up). And be sure to check out my interview at the Bibliophilic Book Blog yesterday, too!

June accountability

Last month, I tried to make my goals semi-achieveable. Why? I don’t know. Change of pace?

  • Launch I, Spy! Woot! Blog tour, guest posts, interviews, giveaways, contests—yikes.
  • Launch party on the 8th!—this went wonderfully! Check it out here.
  • FINISH THIS BOOK—AAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to finish it in March, folks. I’ve written books in the time that’s passed since my deadline. No, I’ve written three books in that amount of time! And it still isn’t finished! I did, however, get about 6000 words written in June.
  • Edit two more sections for critique—powered through I-hate-this-bookitis and got lots of great feedback and encouragement
  • Read—yes! Thank you, library, for giving me deadlines
  • Plan and prepare for upcoming events—Check-a-roo!
  • Unpack, eh?—Pretty good here. Hosting critique group and a visit from family prompted unpacking 30-40 boxes. Still have a lot to do in my bedroom, my office and all the little stuff that was brought over after the big move, mostly in unlabeled boxes in the garage. On the plus side: the old house is empty and on the market!

July goals

I’ve got a lot of family stuff coming up in July, but I can’t leave writing alone. Seriously, I can’t. It makes me very unhappy. You wouldn’t want to see me unhappy.

  • ACTUALLY FINISH THE BOOKDONE!!! 9000 words this week. YES.
  • Finish editing this book for critique group. (Okay, so this is nearly done already. Woot!)
  • Implement as much of my critique group feedback as possible
  • Continue unpacking
  • Start something new?? Probably something short. I have four ideas calling to me. We’ll see which one calls the loudest
  • Load up on blog posts (including guest posts and interviews) so I can enjoy more time with my family
  • Read (while with the fam): tackle the digital TBR for a while—if I can find my Kindle. I just had it. . . . These things need locator beacons!

What did you accomplish in June? What are you shooting for in July?

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