What’s your favorite writing blog?

I’m a recovering blogaholic. I still subscribe to a couple hundred blogs, but I frequently go a week or more without even glancing at my feed reader—so the waiting blog posts accumulate, and I fall farther and farther behind, even with my favorite writing blogs.

I think I’ve finally gotten past the nagging fear that I’m going to miss the writing advice that will change my book and my career AND MY LIFE, but I still want to read good writing advice that has me thinking critically about my writing craft and process. In no particular order, my three favorite writing blogs are:

Jami Gold: Beach reads with bite—Jami goes in-depth on everything from ethics to plotting, from POV to computer parts. She writes paranormal romance, urban fantasy and more.

Jody Hedlund’s blog—Jody takes a deep look at not only writing, but maintaining your writing life and your balance, and even marketing. She writes Christian historical romance, and her fourth novel is coming out in April.

Janice Hardy: The Other Side of the Story—Janice digs deep into writing craft and mechanics. Even if you don’t instantly hop over to your MS and edit like crazy, the principles behind all her writing advice are the kind of lessons that can really take your writing to the next level. Janice writes middle grade and young adult fantasy, and is the author of the Healing Wars trilogy.

Notice any trends there? Even though I don’t have a lot of time for blog reading, I really want to get in-depth in writing—the art, the craft, the life. For my very limited blog reading time, I’m not really looking for superficial coverage of topics I’ve read a dozen times and blogged about in depth two years ago.

So, where do you go to dig deep into writing advice? You’re welcome to mention your own blog or even mine, which may not be super helpful to me, but will make me smile 😉 .

Photo credit: Pierre

9 thoughts on “What’s your favorite writing blog?”

    1. Thanks for sharing, Donna! One quick caveat: sometimes leaving two links in a comment will automatically put your comment into moderation or the spam folder. I found this comment there.

    1. LOL, maybe it’s subconscious. After all, my younger sisters are Jaime, Jessica (Brooke), and Jasmine.

  1. Wow! Thank you for including me in this group, Jordan. 🙂

    I’ve had Jody guest post at my blog, so it’s pretty obvious that I love her too. And I absolutely *adore* Janice and her blog. I’m so proud to know her in person as one of my “best-ies.” 🙂

    As far as my favorite blogs, Jody and Janice are at the top of my list too. Angela’s Bookshelf Muse is another one I can think of off the top of my head. Beyond that, I could probably think of a hundred…which means of course that none of them are coming to me. *sigh* Oh! I’ve been enjoying Marcy Kennedy’s blog a lot lately, and Kristen Lamb has a good one. I’ll let you know if more suggestions break through my brain fog. LOL!

  2. Steven Pressfield’s blog is fantastic, and I read both Kristine Katherine Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith religiously. All three of those are much more about the business/motivational side of writing than the mechanics of it. I read them because that’s where I think I am weakest. John Scalzi is also excellent.

    And I read Jordan’s, obviously.

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