In yesterday’s website review, Kathleen mentioned how important it is to convey your genre with your website. It can be hard, depending on the genre. Even some published authors’ sites don’t do it well.
Quick: Can you tell me what genre these published authors write in? (I took the name off a couple and removed outright genre identifiers because that would be too easy, and that’s not what this is about—it’s about looking at the graphics on their site to see if they convey their genres. If you’ve read any of them or recognize their sites, try to judge only by what you see here.
Links and answers to be posted in the comments!
Post your guesses in the comments! The person with the most answers right (without cheating) will win . . . something!
1. Historical romance
2. Contemporary romance
3. Paranormal, maybe?
4. Contemporary romance or what used to be called chick lit
5. Women’s fiction or inspirational?
6. Same as 5.
7. Can’t really make out the details, but I’d say contemporary romance, women’s fiction or possibly mystery.
8. Romantic suspense
Okay, I’m feeling totally dumb, but I’ll play along.
1. historical romance
2. women’s fiction
3. YA paranormal
4. YA romance
5. YA fantasy
6. romance
7. mystery
8. romantic suspense
How’d I do?
1 romance
2 chic lit
3 Fantasy
4 Mystery
5 womens lit, or romance
6 Christian womens fic or romance
7 YA fantasy. (I know this site)
8 suspense
All right, here are the answers:
1., Historical romance
2., Contemporary romance (I thought it looked more chick-litty)
3. The biggest name in YA paranormal romance today:
4., Paranormal romance
5., Sweet (clean) romance (Noticing a trend? Sorry about that.)
6., Inspirational romance
7. MG-YA fantasy: (I think this one’s nearly impossible to tell.)
8., Suspense/thriller (currently; she’s done romance in the past)
So who’s the winner? I gave two points for answers that got the right subgenre (i.e. Historical romance), one point for answers that got the right genre (i.e. Romance), and half a point for related genres (i.e. women’s fiction and romance). According to my scoring, Michelle and Becke tied, with Ali not close behind.
So . . . um . . . would you ladies like some candy? (You can have some, too, Ali!)
Tell you what, give my prize to Michelle — it’s reward enough learning how to improve my website.