Tag Archives: becoming legendary

Getting discouraged

Sometimes it just seems like it’ll never happen. The black marks on the page are going to beat you again, and this work will never be publishable. Or even readable. Or you’ve queried and rewritten and queried and rewritten until you don’t even recognize your story anymore, and still no bites. Or you’ve snagged a killer agent and whipped that MS into shape, but no news really isn’t good news.

We all get discouraged sometimes. I was feeling discouraged a few weeks ago, right before I attended a writing conference last month. It was so good to be reminded that perseverance pays off in publishing, as in just about everything else. And here’s the visual reminder they shared at the conference:

Remember: don’t give up! Surrendering to discouragement is the surest way to fail.

What do you think? How do you recharge when you feel discouraged?