Tag Archives: Dauntless

Catch up with me all over the place!

Last week I had two guest posts go live!

How can you find your character’s arc?

Character arcs, a character’s journey of internal change and growth, are an important part of making any story satisfying. It helps readers to relate to your story and root for your character. The external plot, the action and events of the story, affects every character, but do your characters grow and change on an emotional level?

A quick look at the topic that comprises the whole first chapter of my book on the subject over at the Dauntless Authors blog!

And how to survive the soul-sucking darkness that is self-publishing:

I think all first-time authors reach “the other side” of publishing when their book hits the shelves—and all is not rainbows and roses. The soul-sucking darkness affects all publishing, really. Even if we have backing of a publisher, we don’t know what to expect when our book finally hits the market. When we venture out without that backing, we have one less assurance that our work is good. But no matter what path we take to share our work, we can stay sane staring into that soul-sucking darkness!

Yep, it’s my monthly post for the Indie Authors column at Fiction University! Read it here.