Tag Archives: recommendations

TBR Tuesday: What should I read?

Recommendations wanted!

Obviously I don’t have enough books to read already. I often mention how I don’t generally read fiction, especially not with a voice or genre similar to my own, while drafting. I’ve sketched out a break for the next few weeks to devote mostly on catching up on my reading.

Aside from tackling that big TBR pile (and my others, sigh), I have a few books from some of my favorite “auto-buy” authors to catch up on already:

Broken Harbor by Tana French

Perfect Scoundrels by Ally Carter

Shadowed by Stephanie Black

Smart Move by Melanie Jacobson

Sooo pretty much every living fiction author I put on my list. I need, like, an RSS feed of new books, apparently.

I’ve got a few to start with, but I’d love to get some more recommendations. My favorite genres are mystery and YA. So, I’m asking you: what are the best things you’ve read recently? What books do you read over and over again?