Tag Archives: writing time

“Making” time

I think anybody who’s really made an effort to write understands that it’s not about wishing you had the time, or even finding the time, but making the time to write.

With three kids under five, free time is a joke. My efforts to make time to write are hurting my well-being and my family. (This is because that made time never seems to start until 11 PM, and Baby has a special “Mommy’s exhausted” alarm clock that rings at 5:30AM.) (And 2AM.) (And midnight.)

So I’m thinking it’s time for a change. For a long time, I’ve been attracted to the idea of getting up early to get most of my writing in. I love the idea of having a thousand or more words written by the time the kids attack get up. (I also like the idea of actually being out of bed before they get up 😉 .)

So last night, when I was up too late already, I saw Kelly Stone’s guest post about writing schedules. And the early morning schedule was the very first one listed (of seven—seven different writing schedule options).

So I’ve undertaken the challenge, starting this morning. (Ooooor not. That special “Mommy’s exhausted alarm” kicked in from 12-1AM and 5-6AM, and that pretty much killed the what I thought was very reasonable 7 AM wake-up time.) As part of my challenge, I’m going to make myself accountable to report on what time I actually get up (and what I do thereafter). I’ll Tweet about it (I know, that really makes you want to follow me) and put a note in a post if I’m blogging that day.

Do you have a goal for your writing schedule? Have you ever tried to change?

Photo by Grant MacDonald