Why I love Burn Notice

This entry is part 9 of 11 in the series Creating sympathetic characters

Yes, it’s cool and it’s glossy and it’s filled with attractive people. And guns and explosions and spy work and secret undercover coolness. And hilarity.

But that’s not why I love Burn Notice. (Those things don’t hurt, mind you.)

Michael Westen of Burn NoticeI love Burn Notice because of the characters. Namely one Michael Westen. (And no, I don’t mean Jeffrey Donovan, though he is quite attractive. I mean Michael Westen.) When USA says “Characters welcome,” they mean it.

Michael is a complex character—he’s terrible at interpersonal relationships. He does bad things. And though he wouldn’t talk about it and takes no pleasure in it, he has killed. He’s not above blackmail or letting the bad guys kill each other.

Though he’d prefer not to have to deal with them, Michael loves his mom and his brother and does all he can to protect them. In a recent episode (“End Run“), Michael was blackmailed into working for a bad guy because said bad guy threatened his brother. The writers even made it so that working for the bad guy wasn’t all that bad—he didn’t want a nuke, just a particular electronic interface. “People will go on killing each other in little wars all around the globe, whether or not you steal it,” he says. “The only difference is how much money I make while they do it.” To show he’ll make good on his threat, the bad guy even shoots Michael’s brother in the arm.

It wouldn’t be so wrong, then, would it? It would save his brother’s life (before he bleeds out, too), and it wouldn’t cost the world much.

Michael Westen building a cantennaMichael breaks into the office, gets the weapon and—sees a photo of a family. With kids. While that reminder helps him put together some of the scant evidence they’ve compiled about this bad guy, I think it also reminds him of the greater good. “I’m not handing over a nuke to save one life,” he tells the bad guy, “even if it is my brother’s.”

Michael is a great character because he’s strong—physically, yes, but more importantly, he’s extremely smart/savvy (mental strength, if you will). He even verges on too strong—as a blacklisted spy/former black ops soldier, he knows just what to do in any given situation. But he has weaknesses—the classics: children; his family; oh, and the fate of the entire world. Most importantly, he struggles.

And this time, he struggled because the choice was hard—it wasn’t save or destroy the world (or save the world, sacrifice integrity), it was save his brother or some small number of unknown people—possibly no one. The talented writers made it seem no great sin if Michael had decided to trade the weapon for his brother’s life. And he almost did.

But in the end, he didn’t. And that’s what I love most about Burn Notice.

Who are your favorite television characters? Why?

You can watch the full episode on Hulu until July 30.

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7 thoughts on “Why I love Burn Notice

  1. It’s pretty obvious where this season’s going: Michael needs to choose between his former life and his current one. I don’t know why he’s all fired up to return. I think he’s going to learn a hard lesson in upcoming episodes.
    Also I think the police woman let him off too easy. I liked her and I want to see more interaction. I think they could develop her into a permanent character. Or at least give her some serious problem Michael can help her with, where she actually has to come to him.

  2. Oh, Det. Paxson is definitely coming back. I’d love to see her asking Michael to help.

    I have to say that while he is very committed to truth, justice and the greater good, I’ve never seen anything that made me think Michael was in his line of work because he was looking out for his country. You’re right that he’ll have to choose between his former life and current one, and I agree that they haven’t yet made the old life attractive enough. I have to hope they will, or at least show us a bit more of why Michael’s hanging on to that old dream. I mean, he’s even starting to like being around his mom! 😉

  3. Hi Jordan! Just popping over from my blog. 🙂 My favorite tv character is Dwight from The Office. Has to be one of the quirkiest tv characters out there. And he makes me laugh like no other.

  4. Dwight is a great character! But I think he wouldn’t work quite as well in any other setting, you know? The Office has a lot of flat out hilarious characters, but they’re funniest in combination, playing off one another.

    Thanks for visiting, Katie! Hope to see you around in the future!

  5. Hi, Jordan. Thanks for posting on my blog and linking yours. You’re spot on with Michael’s attraction. I didn’t think I’d like Burn Notice, but the more I watch, the more I’m engaged for just this reason. I even started following Jeffrey Donovan on Twitter because unlike some celeb tweets, his is mostly about the show – and I LIKE that.

  6. LOL, I follow Jeffrey on Twitter, too, though he Tweets so infrequently (and I check in so infrequently) that I usually miss his updates.

    I’m also following one of the many fake Michael Westen accounts (@michaelwestenbn). He hasn’t updated in a long time, it’s a lot of fun to read his old posts!

  7. I love Burn Notice, I agree with you, the characters are great. I love all of them, Sam is hilarious, Fiona, and the relationship between Michael and his Mom/Brother, I like how its evolved.

    Probably my favorite show on TV right now. Or near the top.

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