What would you like to see next?

Lately we’ve had some fun series all about verbs and creating sympathetic characters. The series on creating sympathetic characters will wrap up next week (unless you have some specific questions or topics you’d still like covered in that area).

I have a couple of ideas on where to go next—but I’d love to get your feedback, so we can discuss what you’re most interested in. So, the topics I’m thinking of covering next are:

  • How to use and not abuse (or confuse!) commas,
  • Editing techniques to make sure every scene moves your story forward, or
  • How to critique others’ work (and possibly how to find/establish a critique group)

So if you have a preference among those three, or any other ideas, let your voice be heard!

Photo credit: Svilen Mushkatov

2 thoughts on “What would you like to see next?”

  1. I’m having an issue trying write in a deep POV with my characters, IOW getting inside their heads instead of just describing everything they do.
    Got any advice for that?

    The other topics sound good (except, the comma, one)

  2. Ooh, that’s a good one! I have a few ideas kicking around on that topic; I’ll move them to the top of the mental queue.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

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