Tag Archives: Deana Barnhart

Gearing Up to Get an Agent Meet & Greet

Our regularly scheduled Marketing Monday will run on Wednesday.

Hello! For new friends, my name is Jordan McCollum and I blog about writing craft and marketing (usually on Mondays). For old friends, Deana Barnhart is hosting her annual Gearing Up to Get an Agent blogfest, and I’m so happy to join in! Once upon a time, Deana read one of my manuscripts, and I read hers. Little did I know I was the first person to read her writing! Now Deana is represented by Sarah Lapolla of Curtis Brown, Ltd., and I’m sure we’ll hear some good news about her book soon (different book, so I haven’t read it [I wish!], but it sounds great!).

Today is the opening event in her Gearing Up to Get an Agent blogfest, the meet & greet! So here are my interview questions:

Where do you write?
I have two main spots: the loveseat in the family room (where I am now) and the dining room table.

Quick. Go to your writing space, sit down and look to your left. What is the first thing you see?
A towel, a survey with envelope, a lid, a book, two kids’ t-shirts, a pony and a bottle of gun cleaner. The typical mess, usually things my kids bring me to keep me company…

Favorite time to write?
ALL THE TIMES! Usually the answer is night time, especially after 10 PM, but I think I might find a new favorite time since I’ll have two hours where all my children are in school or bed 🙂 .

Drink of choice while writing?
I usually don’t drink anything, and water is probably my most common choice, but caffeine free Dr Pepper is a fave.

When writing, do you listen to music or do you need complete silence?
Yes. Well, not silence, since that’s pretty hard to come by with three kids 6 & under running around (and a TV). If I’m using music, it will usually be a couple songs thematically related to my book, some fitting tracks from a movie soundtrack, and perennial favorites from Queen and Led Zeppelin. My last book was written to ’60s pop and ’70s rock. Iiinteresting.

What was your inspiration for your latest manuscript and where did you find it?
It was a ’60s pop song, actually. I’ve heard it dozens of times, but this particular time, I was standing in the Dollar Tree buying Valentines for my kids (the day before Valentine’s Day, naturally). And I thought “What if . . . ?”

What’s your most valuable writing tip?
Just one? Augh. I have so many I started this whole blog about writing tips 😉 . If I had to pick juuuuuust one, it’d be “Keep learning.” I have a book accepted by a publisher and I still take writing classes. Reading craft books recharges me. And number two would probably be “Challenge yourself.” I have to try something new with every manuscript to keep myself interested and growing and challenged. And number three would be check out my free writing guides for lots more tips 😉 !

In honor of GUGTAA, I’ve posted an excerpt of my WIP, I, Spy!

Nice to meet you! Hop on over to Deana’s blog to join in the Gearing Up to Get an Agent blogfest all this month!