Tag Archives: plot101

Plot 101 wrapup

All this month on Twitter, I’ve shared 101 amazing articles on plotting advice. #Plot101 has been a lot of fun! I wouldn’t want you to miss out, so here’s a list of all the articles I’ve shared.

plot101(This is taken right from my Tweet list, so article authors are attributed with their Twitter handles, or not at all if they didn’t have a Twitter handle, or if it’s an article by me.)

Are you laboring under these outlining misconceptions? @KMWeiland

Got ideas? Put them together to build a novel @JodyHedlund

Can you use coincidences in your plot? @TheresaStevens, @AliciaRasley

Nontraditional outlining @DIYMFA

Outline your novel in 30 minutes @AliciaRasley

Action & reaction to build your plot @JodyHedlund

Pulling your story out of nowhere @NatalieWhipple

Must pantsers plot?? @JamiGold

Should pantsers rely on themes? @JamiGold

Top 10 Plot problems @AliciaRasley

Character or plot? Or both? @NathanBransford

What’s wrong with your opening? What comes next? @TheresaStevens, @AliciaRasley

Plotting a novel with FreeMind diagram @spacejock

Beat Sheets for Pantsers @JamiGold

Is outlining worth it? @KMWeiland

Visual storyboarding with Trello

Prepare with a plotting notebook! @JodyHedlund

Plotting process in action @Janice_Hardy

No plot? No problem! Find one! @JodyHedlund

Plotting a novel in 3 acts @JanalynVoigt

Beat these common plotting problems! @KristenLambTX

Do you have a plot? @NathanBransford

Plot your opening right @JanalynVoigt

Snowflake method of plotting

Plots are like onions. Or parfaits! @Janice_Hardy

Think more creatively: try these ways to brainstorm plot & scenes (I know I will!) @LiveWriteThrive

Are you missing a plot?

Speed outlining

Plotting with emotions @Janice_Hardy

Plot template to keep you on target @Janice_Hardy

When the worst SHOULDN’T happen @Janice_Hardy

5 golden rules for a good plot

3 acts, 3 risks @TheresaStevens, @AliciaRasley

How to get a plot @lucreid

Plotting a character-driven novel: 3 steps @RobynDeHart

Outline your book in two sentences @NickThacker via @KMweiland

Has your plot been done before? Add a new twist @Janice_Hardy

Use characters to max out conflict @KristenLambTX

Ten tools for creative outlining

Romance beat sheets @JamiGold

Dig into your conflict @Vickihinze

How to write a novel @NathanBransford

Outline your novel backwards @KMWeiland

Character-based plotting

Diana Wynne Jones’ plotting method

What comes next? Figure it out! @Janice_Hardy

Novel Outlining!

Got a theme & a problem? Get a plot! @JanalynVoigt

Having trouble starting your story? @JamiGold

Have you ever outlined longhand? Why you should try @KMWeiland

Bring your characters together to clash–and find a plot @LiveWriteThrive

Leading up to turning points @TheresaStevens, @AliciaRasley

Can pantsers plot? @Janice_Hardy

Do you have too much plot? @Janice_Hardy

Underground outlining

Weave your character’s inner & outer journeys together! @JamiGold

Is this scene moving the story forward? Simple test @Janice_Hardy

What’s the worst that can happen? GO THERE @Janice_Hardy

Outlining as you go: the best of both pantser/plotter worlds? @JodyHedlund

Story structure for pantsers @KMWeiland via @Janice_Hardy

Don’t let plot bunnies hijack your story! @JanalynVoigt

Is this story worth writing? 1/3 @JamiGold

Is this story worth writing? 2/3 @JamiGold

Is this story worth writing? 3/3 @JamiGold

Develop your characters for better plot @TheresaStevens

SHOW your character’s traits in the plot @TheresaStevens

Plotting from character: core conflicts @TheresaStevens

Using opposing characters & conflict to move the story @TheresaStevens

The four parts of a story @storyfix

The turning points of a story @storyfix

What to do in Q1 of your story @storyfix

The all-important First Plot Point! @storyfix

Escape the sagging middle: Q2 tasks @storyfix

Shore up the sagging middle: pinch points @storyfix

Turning points: the mid-point @storyfix

Q3 of your story: THE ATTACK @storyfix

Turn for the worse: the Second Plot Point @storyfix

Q4 of your story: resolution @storyfix

My conversion to plotting

Becoming a plotting convert

Becoming a story architect

Most basic story structure: 3 acts

All about Story Questions

Five act story structure

3 and 5 act structure in action

Pros & cons of 3 act structure for plotting

Intro to the snowflake method

Customizing the snowflake method @Carol Garvin

Pros & cons of snowflake method

Hero’s Journey plotting method

Character archetypes in the Hero’s Journey

Applying the hero’s journey

Combining the hero’s journey with romance @FayeHughes

Drawbacks of plotting with the Hero’s Journey

Plotting with StoryStructure

Story Structure plotting example

Hero’s Journey + Story Structure for plotting

Setting up your story question

Plotting with Save the Cat! @alicross1

Plotting with a beat board @alicross1

Story questions @AnnetteLyon

What are your favorite plotting resources? Are you ready for NaNo?

Plot101 kickoff

October is upon us! Do you know what that means? Aside from Halloween of course—it’s almost time for NaNoWriMo! I’ll be participating once again this year—I’ve already got my novel picked out and I’ve had ideas percolating for about a year.

But ideas do not a plot make, so I had another idea: I should collect a bunch of posts on plotting and share them! But rather than reblogging my old material to the same audience (love you guys!) or just dumping a bunch of links on you, I decided to conquer the . . . penultimate frontier, if you will. It will be my first ever writing series on Twitter!

plot101Throughout the month of October (on weekdays), I’ll be tweeting great articles on plotting from some of my favorite writer/bloggers. We’ll look at cool tools for plotting, finding ideas for your plot, structuring your plot, planning for pantsers (writing by the seat of your pants), and more.

Ready to join in the fun? Come follow me on Twitter! I’m sharing 101 articles on plotting: it’s Plot 101! Beginning tomorrow, all the plot tweets will feature the #plot101 hashtag. Feel free to share your favorite plotting articles, too!